When it comes to imports, apples are our specialty. We source apples directly from all over the world through our partners in Italy and Poland. We also export apples from our partners in Greece, Austria, South Africa, USA, Chile, Croatia, Syria, and Lebanon. We are proud to be one of the few companies in Egypt that sell apples all year round, but that is not all. We also import large quantities of kiwis, cherries, peaches, apricots, bananas, and other fruits and nuts Besides quantity, quality is what we aim for. We pick our fruits from the field to the packing station, to the cargo ships, and finally to our warehouse. Our distribution comes from the heart of the Alexandria fruit market directly to our customers through our flagship store in the market and our custom pieces throughout the market to facilitate the wholesale process for all our customers. Our distribution also comes directly from our refrigerated warehouse to make it easier for our out-of-town customers to pick up and deliver goods. We also provide a supply service for hotels, hypermarkets, and food stores
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